Transition Mentors and Student Success: First-Year Programs win regional awards

Last month, Transition Mentors and staff from Student Success: First-Year Programs traveled to its regional NODA conference to represent Wichita State and the work we do in the areas of orientation, transition and retention. The students participated in a number of conference sessions, social activities, the case study competition and were selected to present two educational sessions.

Jeremy Andersen and Sydney Kalscheur were each part of two winning teams in the Case Study Competition, Jose Nepius and Sydney Kalscheur represented the team to win the Fashion Show competition and the entire team worked together to win the highly coveted Spirit Award based on overall character, leadership and spirit throughout the conference.

Additionally, our "Welcome to Shocker Nation" orientation guide won Best Overall Student Publication. Thanks to our many campus partners, including Strategic Communications, who designed and contributed to the publication, as well as the departments who help us train and develop these outstanding student leaders!