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Degree Map

College of Applied Studies

BAED in Education: Earth and Space Science (Secondary) (2024 - 2025)

1st year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
ENGL 100 or 101 English Comp I 4 0103 ENGL 102 English Comp II 4 0103
GEOL 102 Earth, Sc. & Env.w/ lab 0404 GEOL 302 Earth & Space Sciences3
MATH/STAT (SGE) 4 0303 COMM 111 Public Speaking 4 0203
CI 270 Intro to Education Profression. 33 CHEM 211/w lab – Gen Chem 15
FYS First Year Seminar 0703 Open Electives 21
Fall Total Hours 16 Spring Total Hours 15

Total hours for 1st year: 31

2nd year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
CESP 334 Int Human Growth 0503 GEOL 324 Petrology & Petrography3
Arts/Humanities 0603 BIOL 210 w/ lab- Gen. Biol I4
PHYS 195 Intro to Modern Astron.3 Social & Behavioral Sci 0503
CHEM 212/w lab – Gen Chem 25 Arts/Humanities 0603
Open Elective 21 Open Electives 23
Fall Total Hours 15 Spring Total Hours 16

Total hours for 2nd year: 31

3rd year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
CI 320 Intro/Div. Exceptionalities 32 CI 425S ML/Sec. Meth I Science 32
CI 321 Intro/Div. Cult. Issues 32 CI 426S Core II Practicum Science 31
CI 325 ISAM Mid/Sec. Gen Meth 32 CI 427 Phil, Hist, Ethics of Ed 33
CI 315 Core I Practicum 31 CI 403 Learning & Ed. Assessment 32
GEOL 312 Historical Geology4 PHYS 111 Introductory Physics4
Open Electives 24 GEOL 235 Meteorology 0703
Fall Total Hours 15 Spring Total Hours 15

Total hours for 3rd year: 30

4th year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
CI 413S Tch Internship I Science 33 CI 436S ML/Sec Meth III Science 32
CI 435S ML/Sec Meth II Science 33 CI 471S Teaching Intern II: Science 310
CI 417 Lit. Strategies in Content2 CAS 501 Teacher Licensure Cap.0
CI 780S Technology in the Classroom 32
PHYS 395 Solar System Astronomy3
CI 505 Science, Technology & Society1
Open Electives 22
Fall Total Hours 16 Spring Total Hours 12

Total hours for 4th year: 28

Hours needed to complete the degree: 120

  1. All incoming freshman are required to take one First-Year Seminar as part of their General Education program. Students who are exempt from First-Year Seminar requirements may take an additional open elective.
  2. Open electives are any course, in any subject that are at least numbered 100 or above and are not courses that have been previously completed.
  3. B- or better required
  4. C- or better required

Systemwide General Education (SGE) Key

  • 010 English
  • 020 Communications
  • 030 Math/Statistics
  • 040 Natural and Physical Science
  • 050 Social and Behavioral Science
  • 060 Arts and Humanities
  • 070 Institutionally Designated/Diversity